Hemorrhoids (Buasir in malay), also known as Piles is the inflammation and swelling of the veins in anal canal. Itching, constipation, bleeding and burning sensation are the general symptoms of the disease. Though Siddha Medical System shows 21 types of hemorrhoids, generally it is classified into internal hemorrhoids (piles) and external hemorrhoids(piles). Internal hemorrhoids (piles) can’t be felt and is generally painless while external hemorrhoids (piles) can be felt around the anus and is painful.
Sedentary lifestyle or frequent travel, Constipation, Obesity, Frequent stomach disorders like diarrhea, delaying response to bowel movements, Using alcohol and cigarettes, Less fiber content in food causes hemorrhoids.
Siddha Traditional Treatment for Hemorrhoids (Piles)
Get rid of Hemorrhoids (piles) with the traditional herbal siddha system of medicine. Herbs are used with 100% result. Good Life Style, including high fiber content in every day meal, taking oil bath, avoiding foods which causes constipation and stomach problems and frequent bowel cleaning are highly recommended to prevent hemorrhoids.
Majilis Perubatan Tradisional dan Komplementari mengesahkan dan memperakui bahawa pengamal perubatan di Pusat Rawatan Buasir Sidaq adalah berdaftar di bawah Seksyen 23 Akta Perubatan Tradisional dan Komplementari 2016 sebagai pengamal perubuatan tradisional dan komplementari dalam bidang amalan diiktiraf: Perubatan Tradisional India ; dalam subbidang/sublapangan Siddha.
Buasir boleh diklasifikasikan kepada dua bergantung kepada lokasinya iaitu buasir dalaman atau buasir luaran.
Punca buasir selalu dikaitkan dengan peningkatan tekanan saluran darah di dalam dan sekitar dubur.
Rawatan buasir yang disediakan adalah berasaskan herba asli, tumbuh-tumbuhan dan mineral.